Программа создания битовых изображений, применяемых при создании программ для телефонов Sony J-серии ->
This programm is necessary to use for creation bitmap images, which very easy use for ASM ARM programming.
ver 1.2b added align up to byte in all formats
ver 1.3b: "Select tool panel" added (select box,copy/paste,save select,move to clippboard select whith all format)
ver 1.3.1b:
-added flip and rotate functions in "Select tool panel"
-more bugs fixed!
ver 1.4b:
-added BMP converter
-new engine
Last version:Denver ARM Image Maker 1.4
Программы для Sony/Programms for Sony
Game BogMan 0.1 beta
Game BogMan 0.2 beta
New in game:
HI-SCORE added, speed automaticalle increasing, when level increase Bogman02
Game EggHunt 0.1 betaEggHunt 01
You have to catch eggs!
1,3,4,6-change player position
* - sounds on/off
Center Button - pause,start,restart after egg break
Play and Fun!!!